Hello, We want to remind you that Spring Break is coming! Pocahontas County students will be out of school starting Friday, March 29 through Friday, April 5. They will return to school on Monday, April 8. We hope you enjoy the break.
9 months ago, Pocahontas County Schools
Spring Break
Hello, We hope that you will take some time to look over the three options that your calendar committee created this year. This committee included Faculty Senate and Local School Improvement Chairs, instructional coaches, and directors. The group consisted of parents as well as staff of the school system. Voting for the calendar will conclude at 4 pm on Wednesday, April 10 for the selected calendar to be included on the April 16 Board agenda. Thank you for your time and support of Pocahontas County Schools.
9 months ago, Pocahontas County Schools
Calendar Vote
Reminder to parents! Pre-K applications are due to the Pocahontas County BOE or selected site by March 27th! Apply now!
9 months ago, Kristi Hamons
Pre-K application reminder. Due 3/27
Good afternoon, This is a reminder that we have an Informational Meeting about the 2024-25 Calendar options scheduled for tonight at 5:30. We hope you can join us in person or virtually.
9 months ago, Pocahontas County Schools
Calendar Meeting
Three-Hour Delay for Monday, March 11, 2024
9 months ago, Pocahontas County Schools
Three-Hour Delay
A reminder: Turn your clocks up one hour tonight!
9 months ago, Pocahontas County Schools
spring forward
Due to potential icy conditions throughout the county tomorrow morning, all Pocahontas County Schools will operate on a three-hour delay on Thursday, February 29, 2024.
10 months ago, Pocahontas County Schools
three hour delay
During the February 20, 2024, Pocahontas County Board of Education meeting, Laurel Dilley, a mathematics teacher at Pocahontas County High School, and students Miranda Gum and Taylor Arnold shared details about the SAT and ACT prep class at the high school. For information contact Mrs. Dilley: llbeatty@k12.wv.us
10 months ago, Pocahontas County Schools
Presentation to Board
From the Regional Science Fair Coordinator: After careful consideration, we have decided to reschedule tomorrow's Regional Science Fair due to impending winter weather predicted to affect our region. We feel this is in the best interest of students from all participating counties as it ensures safety and equity. The Regional Science Fair will now be held next Saturday, February 24th. The previously communicated location and times will remain the same.
10 months ago, Pocahontas County Schools
Regional Science Fair Change
Can you define the duties of a school counselor? It seems impossible, but one of the many things that they do is hold each child in their heart. If you see them this week, give them an extra thank you for their dedication and hard work. Our outstanding school counselors are Linda Beverage at Pocahontas County High School, Ira Brown at Green Bank Elementary/Middle School, Dana Cutlip at Hillsboro Elementary School, Janesa Henderson at Marlinton Elementary School, and Missy Hill-Doss at Marlinton Middle School.
11 months ago, Lynne Roth Bostic
National School Counselor Week
The Calendar Committee has been working on options for the 2024-2025 calendar based on the survey results and following the state code. The committee members are Faculty Senate Chairs, Local School Improvement Chairs, Directors, Instructional Coaches, and your Superintendent. They are ready to share the survey results as well as three calendars during these special calendar meetings. Voting on the calendar will take place later in March.
11 months ago, Pocahontas County Schools
Calendar Meetings
Superintendent Lynne Bostic recognized Cash Beers during the January 30, 2024, Board of Education Meeting held at Marlinton Elementary School. Cash is a freshman in Pocahontas County Schools and was recognized by the West Virginia Virtual Home Academy (Proximity) for Academic Achievement. Congratulations Cash!
11 months ago, Pocahontas County Schools
Cash Beers and Superintendent Bostic
The WV Advisory Council for the Education of Exceptional Children (WVACEEC) is excited to announce a Virtual Resource Fair for parents and families of students with exceptional needs. If you or someone you know would like to get information on the following topics, please join us on Thursday, February 8 2024, from 9- noon for three 45-minute virtual sessions on the following topics: • WVABLE- An important financial planning tool that equips eligible individuals with disabilities and their families to save and invest without jeopardizing their eligibility for public benefit programs, including SSI and Medicaid. Earnings from the investments grow tax free and funds can be used at any time to pay for qualified disability expenses. • Foster Care Support and Educational Services -Providing educational support to foster care youth (i.e., enrollment assistance.) Gathering supporting documents for special education services. Helping to link foster youth with outside agencies for additional services and support, and increase collaboration and communication between stakeholders, i.e. DHHR, foster care parents, childcare agencies, LEAs, and the WVDE. • CSEDW- Children with Serious Emotional Disorders Waiver program provides additional Medicaid support to children from ages three to 21 with serious mental, behavioral, or emotional health needs. The program helps keep children with their families at home or in the community instead of going to a care facility or a group home. While they are at home or in the community, they receive services to improve their condition. • ACES (Living with Adverse Childhood Experiences) How trauma affects young people and families in WV. Participate in a conversation about how to support youth who are experiencing trauma. • Preparing your child to graduate and transition to adulthood- DRS Services- Supporting youth and adults with disabilities (ages 14 and up) on their path to work and living independently. Find out about services that are available to your child as they prepare to graduate high school. • Special Education Laws and Policies and how to advocate for your child and navigate through the system. Don’t be confused or afraid to ask for help when preparing for a meeting at your child’s school. Learn about support that is available to help you through the special education process. (Presentations will be recorded and posted to the WVACEEC Facebook page)  Please click the link below to complete registration for the event.  A valid email address must be provided (please provide neatly printed email address)  Feel free to share the registration link with others who might be interested in this information. http://tinyurl.com/2c8mykxu A link will be emailed to you to join the meeting.
11 months ago, Kristi Hamons
A three-hour delay for Pocahontas County Schools. Be careful and stay warm.
11 months ago, Pocahontas County Schools
Three-Hour Delay on January 22
Per the Governor's State of Emergency Declaration and impending inclement weather, all Pocahontas County Schools and Offices will be closed tomorrow, January 19, 2024. Since this is Snow Day number six, students are to complete their first Snow Day packet. Stay safe and warm.
11 months ago, Pocahontas County Schools
Snow Day on January 19
Pocahontas County Schools' Calendar Committee needs your input to develop the 2024-2025 calendar. Please complete the survey via the link or QR Code. We apologize for the glitches that occurred yesterday. If you took the survey and only had two questions, please retake the survey. There are eight questions with one of those being for staff only. Thank you for your support.
11 months ago, Pocahontas County Schools
Calendar Survey
Good morning, I want to apologize for our glitches in the calendar survey. We have worked on the survey, and it seems to be working now. If you responded yesterday and only received two questions (your role and the question for staff response only), please take the survey again. You should see a total of eight questions and the staff question (#2) should now have the ability to skip. You may use the link or the QR Code: https://forms.office.com/r/hTAPAFY1Wm If you have any difficulties, please reach out to me at lbostic@k12.wv.us or 304-799-4505 We value your input on this important decision. Sincerely, Lynne Bostic Lynne Roth Bostic Superintendent of Pocahontas County Schools 404 Old Buckeye Road Buckeye, WV 24924 304.799.5302
11 months ago, Lynne Roth Bostic
QR Code for Calendar Survey
We hope to see everyone back to school tomorrow on a three-hour delay.
11 months ago, Pocahontas County Schools
3 hour delay
Hello, The Pocahontas County Schools Calendar Committee is asking that our families, staff, students, and community members take a survey to assist us in creating calendar options for the 2024-25 school year. We appreciate your input and time as you take this survey. We ask that you take it only one time. You may use the following link or scan the provided QR Code. https://forms.office.com/r/hTAPAFY1Wm Have a great day and thank you for your support.
11 months ago, Pocahontas County Schools
Calendar Survey
Pocahontas County Schools is closing on Wednesday, January 17 due to the forecasted wind chill temperatures. This is our last accrued time snow day. Our next snow day will include snow day packets and/or virtual work. Stay warm and be careful!
11 months ago, Pocahontas County Schools
Snow Day on January 17