We need your help! If your child did not get their textbooks returned at the end of last year, we need them to bring them back to school as soon as possible. We do not need the reading books since we were required to adopt new materials this year. You may return them to the school that is closest to your home if that would help. Thank you for helping us save valuable resources.
over 3 years ago, Lynne Roth Bostic
Congratulations to Don McNeel! Mr. McNeel is a finalist for the West Virginia School Service Personnel of the Year. Check out this article: http://wkmznews.com/finalists-chosen-for-west-virginia-school-service-personnel-of-the-year/
over 3 years ago, Lynne Roth Bostic
We are ready for the new school year!
over 3 years ago, Lynne Bostic
We are excited to launch our new website soon!
over 3 years ago, Pocahontas County Schools