Governor Justice will be at Marlinton City Hall tomorrow, Tuesday October 18, 2022 @ 10 am to discuss Amendment 2.
over 2 years ago, Pocahontas County Schools
Seal of the Governor of West Virginia
Scholarship Information
over 2 years ago, Lynne Roth Bostic
SMART529  Scholarships
Thank you for your hard work. We hope you enjoy Monday, September 5 as we celebrate Labor Day.
over 2 years ago, Pocahontas County Schools
No School on September 5
Congratulations to Jenny Friel, West Virginia School Nurse of the Year for 2022-2023.
over 2 years ago, Pocahontas County Schools
Jenny Friel, WV Schol Nurse of the Year
We are excited to see you back to school! The first day for students is Monday, August 15. See you soon!
over 2 years ago, Lynne Roth Bostic
First Day of School is August 15
We are excited to see you back to school! The first day for Pocahontas County Schools' students is Monday, August 15. See you soon!
over 2 years ago, Pocahontas County Schools
First Day of School is Monday, August 15
Attention Parents of 7th and 12th Graders: Pocahontas County Schools would like to inform/remind you that all 7th and 12th graders will be required to show proof of two important immunizations prior to school entry. These include Tdap and meningococcal vaccines, which protect against vaccine-preventable diseases such as bacterial meningitis and pertussis. Please make sure that your 7th and/or 12th grader has received and provided documentation of these immunizations prior to the start of the school year. If you don’t get the immunizations before the first day of school, then students will be denied entry. You can go to your primary care physician or the Pocahontas County Health Department (if you don't have a primary care physician or if they don't carry the vaccine).
over 2 years ago, Pocahontas County Schools
Attention all rising first through ninth graders! Pocahontas County Schools is hosting Summer Camps. Join us for a week, two, three, or all four! See the attached flyer or call: 304-799-5023 for more information.
almost 3 years ago, Lynne Roth Bostic
Explanation of Summer Camps with Pocahontas County Schools
The last day of the 2021-22 school year will be Wednesday, May 25. Students will be dismissed three hours early on that date. Thank you for a wonderful school year and we look forward to seeing you in one of our summer camps or on our first day of school for the 2022-23 school year which starts on Monday, August 15.
almost 3 years ago, Lynne Roth Bostic
Last Day of School is May 25, 2022
A reminder: May 4, 2022 will be an early dismissal for all students. This three-hour early dismissal is a scheduled professional learning afternoon for staff.
almost 3 years ago, Lynne Roth Bostic
Congratulations to Regional and State Math Field Day Winners: Wade Garber (Eighth grader at Green Bank) and Jarrell Clifton (Fourth Grader at Marlinton Elementary) were each first in the region in math field day in their respective grades. In the high school division, Sammy Williams placed seventh, Nathaniel Evans placed eighth, Max O’Ganian placed ninth, Tucker McGee placed twelfth, and Sarah Warder placed thirteenth at the regional competition. At state-level competition Sammy Williams placed 30th out of all high schoolers in the state in grades tenth through twelfth. Wade Garger placed 22nd for all eighth graders.
almost 3 years ago, Lynne Roth Bostic
Math Image for Math Field Day Winners
A reminder: May 4, 2022 will be an early dismissal for all students. This three-hour early dismissal is a scheduled professional learning afternoon for staff.
almost 3 years ago, Lynne Roth Bostic
Early Dismissal
Early Dismissal on Wednesday, April 6, 2022, for Staff Development.
almost 3 years ago, Lynne Roth Bostic
Early Dismissal on April 6. 2022
A reminder: No School for Students on Wednesday, March 23.
almost 3 years ago, Lynne Roth Bostic
No School on March 23
Pocahontas County High School will be holding a FAFSA night on January 27 beginning at 4 PM. If senior students and/or parents/guardians are struggling with the FAFSA, bring your information and a representative will be there to assist you! This event will be rescheduled if school is canceled due to inclement weather. Contact the guidance office for more information!
about 3 years ago, Lynne Roth Bostic
FAFSA Application
HVAC Improvements: Open for Bids Complete details are available in our "News" section of our website.
about 3 years ago, Pocahontas County Schools
HVAC Improvements Bids
We’re thrilled to announce Pocahontas County Board of Education’s new app! It’s everything PCS, in your pocket. With the new app, you can access sports scores, breakfast and lunch menus, news updates, and even emergency notifications. Download the app on Android: or iPhone:
over 3 years ago, Lynne Roth Bostic
How to download the new app
Congratulations to our West Virginia Reading Association Regional Literature Fair Winners! Best of Show: Mrs. Hardesty's Class from Hillsboro Elementary School Emma Anderson and Roxie Thompson from Marlinton Elementary School First Place Winners: Chloe Bing and Khloe Gainer from Marlinton Elementary School Kya Arbogast and Abigail Taylor from Hillsboro Elementary School Chase Casto from Marlinton Middle School Carly Robinson and Savana Sharp from Marlinton Middle School Second Place Winners: Kendall Taylor from Green Bank Elementary Shealynn Plaugher from Green Bank Middle School Dallas Sharp and Harmony Thompson from Marlinton Middle School Johnna Bennett from Green Bank Middle School Allyson Taylor from Green Bank Middle School
over 3 years ago, Lynne Roth Bostic
Do you have an associate degree? Are you interested in substituting for Pocahontas County Schools? Complete this form and we will be in touch with the next steps:
over 3 years ago, Lynne Roth Bostic
QR Code for Application
Now hiring! Pocahontas County Schools has new positions open for two Special Education teachers, an English-Language Arts teacher, a half time Art teaching position, and an opening for an Academic Interventionist at GBEMS. Visit to learn more!
over 3 years ago, Sarah Hamilton