PCHS Open House

Please mark your calendar and plan to join us at PCHS on Tuesday, August 30 from 4-7.  Come at any time that is convenient for you.  The device loan agreement must be witnesses by a school employee before devices will be released to the students.  Other items that will be going on also at open house will be *AUP Training, *Meet your students teachers in the gym, * Tour the school and visit your child's classrooms, * Live Grades information will be available,  & * Volunteer Training will take place at 4:30 & 6:00.  Besides these events  parent names will be entered into a drawing for two (2)  $30.00 gift cards.  Student names will be entered into a drawing for two (2) wireless speakers, two (2) Bluetooth ear buds and two (2) cool tumblers.  TWO names will be drawn from each grade level!  You must attend to have your name entered.  Names will be drawn after Open House.  Prizes will be distributed the following day.  The class with the highest student attendance will be win a popcorn party!  Looking forward to seeing everyone on the 30th.